The Hero's Debrief
Providing a platform for Veterans and First Responders to share their experiences, and opinions, as well as educate the public what they face on a day to day basis.
The Hero's Debrief
All Episodes Edit Delete Hero's Debrief Episode #002 Chapter 2 with Andrew Sergeant first class in the US Army
Welcome to The Hero's Debrief, where we are providing a platform for our Veterans and First Responders to share their experiences and provide their opinions. For our second Episode
Be sure to follow Hero Services on our social media accounts listed below to stay up to date with all of our programs and be aware of our upcoming events. For our second episode, we are excited to welcome Andrew a sergeant first class in the army, who has served as military police. He served 3 deployments in Iraq and sits down with us to talk about his life in the military. This episode is Chapter 2 if you have not scene chapter 1 watch that first!